Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of DiscoveryScholastic, Incorporated, 1993 - 197 pagini A photobiography of the first wife of a president to have a public life and career of her own. |
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În această carte există 23 pagini cu termenul things
Unde este restul acestei cărți?
Rezultatele 1 - 3 din 23
First Lady | 1 |
Mademoiselle Souvestre | 23 |
Cousin Franklin | 37 |
Drept de autor | |
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
admired Albany Allenswood American Anna asked aunt became campaign Campobello Campobello Island child cousin daughter debutante Delano delegates Democratic dinner dress Earl Miller Education of Eleanor Eleanor and Franklin Eleanor felt Eleanor recalled Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor wrote Elliott Esther Lape father FDR's fears feel Franklin D Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt Franklin's mother friends girl governor Grandmother Hall guests headmistress Hick husband Hyde Park invited Lady Lash League letters lived looked Lorena Hickok Lucy Mercer Mademoiselle Souvestre Malvina Thompson Marie Souvestre Marion and Nan Marion Dickerman mother-in-law Nancy Cook never night party political president presidential press conferences refugees reporter returned Sara secretary social summer things Todhunter School told townhouse train traveled trip United Nations Val-Kill Val-Kill Cottage walk wanted Warm Springs Washington White House wife woman women wrote Eleanor York young