World Christian Encyclopedia: A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions in the Modern World, Volumul 1Oxford University Press, 2001 - 1730 pagini Here is the completely updated and greatly expanded new edition of a classic reference source--the comprehensive overview of the world's largest religion in all its many versions and in both its religious and secular contexts. Now in two volumes, the Encyclopedia presents and analyzes an unmatched wealth of information about the extent, status, and characteristics of twentieth-century Christianity worldwide. It takes full account of Christianity's ecclesiastical branches, subdivisions, and denominations, and treats Christianity in relation to other faiths and the secular realm. It offers an unparalleled comparative study of churches and religions throughout the modern world. This new edition features a vast range of new and previously unpublished data on the current global situation of Christianity, on religion in general, and on the political, demographic, economic, and social characteristics of the world's cultures and peoples in 238 countries. Each volume is filled with essential information, from historical surveys of denominations to country-by-country profiles of churches and believers. The text sets the current status of Christianity into a rich historical context, and assesses current trends and future directions. Many tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, a directory of names and organizations, a glossary, index, and other features ensure accessibility for specialists and non-specialists alike. The Encyclopedia will be of great value to academics of many disciplines, clergy, administrators, and those who work in Christian and other religious organizations around the world, as well as to anyone interested in current affairs. |
Din interiorul cărții
În această carte există 88 pagini cu termenul Gospel
Unde este restul acestei cărți?
Rezultatele 1 - 3 din 88
Metropolises of the world 7000 city profiles 2531 | 531 |
Major civil divisions MCDs in 238 countries 3030 profiles 2617 | 617 |
A survey dictionary of Christianity in the global context 2649 | 649 |
Drept de autor | |
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
Adherents affiliated unaffiliated Christians African Anglican Angola Apostolic Armenian Assemblies Assemblies of God Atheists Baha'is Baptist Bible bishops Botswana Brethren Buddhists Cameroon Catholic Church century Charismatics Chinese Christ Christians affiliated Christians E cities Commission Christians congregations Congs Adults Council Country Table crypto-Christians denominations mid-2000 diocese Eglise Episcopal ethnolinguistic Ethnoreligionists Evangélica Evangelical evangelized non-Christians global Gospel Growth rate p.a. HCJB Hindus Holy human rights Iglesia Igreja Independent Indian indigenous churches Islam Islands Jehovah's Witnesses Jesus Jews language local spiritual assemblies Lutheran Marginal Christians Megablocs Methodist million Mission missionaries Muslims name bold type neocharismatics newspaper circulation nonreligious Official name bold organized Orthodox Church Pentecostal Pentecostals/Charismatics population Presbyterian priests professing programs R-Lat radio Reformed refugees religion religionists religious Republic Roman Catholics Schism ex schools Seventh-day Adventist Church statistics see Codebook Total churches Type Counc Congs unevangelized persons University Urban Zaire