Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels: [2 volumes]M. Keith Booker Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 11 mai 2010 - 808 pagini The most comprehensive reference ever compiled about the rich and enduring genre of comic books and graphic novels, from their emergence in the 1930s to their late-century breakout into the mainstream. At a time when graphic novels have expanded beyond their fan cults to become mainstream bestsellers and sources for Hollywood entertainment, Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels serves as an exhaustive exploration of the genre's history, its landmark creators and creations, and its profound influence on American life and culture. Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels focuses on English-language comics—plus a small selection of influential Japanese and European works available in English—with special emphasis on the new graphic novel format that emerged in the 1970s. Entries cover influential comic artists and writers such as Will Eisner, Alan Moore, and Grant Morrison, major genres and themes, and specific characters, comic book imprints, and landmark titles, including the pulp noir 100 Bullets, the post-apocalyptic Y: The Last Man, the revisionist superhero drama, Identity Crisis, and more. Key franchises such as Superman and Batman are the center of a constellation of related entries that include graphic novels and other imprints featuring the same characters or material. |
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Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels, Volumul 2 M. Keith Booker Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2010 |
Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels: [2 Volumes], Volumul 2 M. Keith Booker Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2010 |
Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels: [2 Volumes], Volumul 2 M. Keith Booker Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2010 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Action Comics adapted adult adventures American comics anthology appeared artist Avengers Batman became become began Black Captain America cartoonists cartoons characters City comic book comic strip Comics Code Comix Conan continued created creators crime Crumb culture Dark Horse DC Comics DC’s debuted depicted Dracula drawing early Earth Eisner Award Elseworlds fans Fantagraphics Fantastic Four fantasy featured film Flash funny animal Girl graphic novel Green Lantern heroes horror Hulk human illustrated Image Comics issues Jack Kirby John Justice League killed later Love magazine manga Marvel Comics miniseries Moore Moore’s movie mutants narrative Nazis original political popular publication published readers romance Sandman satire science fiction Selected Bibliography sexual Silver Age Spider-Man Stan Lee Star story storyline style success super superhero superhero comics superhero genre Superman Swamp Thing television themes titles underground comics University vampire villains visual Wonder Woman writer X-Men York zombies